Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ebay Rules....Experimentation Drools

Well lookie here partner. Is this a find or what? Let me tell you the boring story about this picture. First, I spend two hours trying to sew a jacket for Death. Then abondoned it for the internet in the hopes of finding something to help me with making a pattern. Well, if I did not find on ebay, someone selling doll patterns (see pictures below) that were perfect for my task. I was so so excited. One set had sold for ten dollars with only one bid. So I figured I would be the only one bidding. So I bid ten bucks and then left to drive the daughter to college. About four hours before the bidding stopped, at one thirty in the morning, I decide to check ebay. Somebody was bidding up the item and had apparently set a twenty dollar max. I was bummed as I went up in fifty cent increments, receiving a outbidded notice everytime. I was thinking they might have wanted this real bad and were willing to pay around $1 million dollars. Actually just twenty. Since there was only four hours left to bid and it was the middle of the night, I felt safe...but nervous. But there is a happy ending to the story. I came out on top and now have the patterns to...not only the sheriff outfit...but many more. I am soooo excited. Just you wait and see.