Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween Leoni

Well, if it isn't the great masses, tuning into this little bit of Halloween fun. Actually, this is just Lament, returning to the land of petite marionette. It has been awhile. But as the Great White North becomes just that, it is time to head indoors for the weekends and find more academic or artist pursuits.

So I have returned to the land of the glue gun and burnt fingers. What I have left of them after craving some feet for the peasant standing in my bar scene. Still have not found the piece of my finger that is floating around my den.

This weekend I tried my hand at painting again. I must say I respect painters more and more. But I can not stop just because I bite at painting. I will just say it is a primitive form and that was what I was going for instead of that was all I can get. But here you will see the finishing touches on the graveyard scene. Just in time for All Hollows Eve.

This will be the scene where the Everyman is in despair and goes to meet the few virtues that will stick by him on this quest to confront God well prepared. There will be a marionette that will rise out of the wooden coffin in this scene. You will see that the grave marker has the name of Arch Stanton, the name on the grave next to the unknown grave that marks the site of the $200,000 in gold that Tuco and Blondie dig up in the final moments of The Good The Bad and The Ugly.

The grave in the foreground is based on some of the tombs that I viewed at the old cemeteries on the New Orleans graveyard site on the net. check them out. There is even a Holt Cemetery there:

Anyhow. It is good to be back. If anyone is interested please send me suggestions or comments. Verbal abuse is also welcome. Actually anything is welcome.