Thursday, August 31, 2006

Making Death Makes Me Nervous

It is time to make Death. That's right...Death. There is a time in everyone's life where they must face the facts and face Death...or make Death. Can't remember which. Anyhow...I have to get myself in gear and work on some of the this case...Death.

What does Death look like...the internet can tell all. After looking at numerous photos and drawings, I decided to wing it...short attention span actually.

So here is my first try. But it is a work in progress. If I can score the patterns for western cowboy clothes off ebay, this actually may come together.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Saloon Scene

There is a scene in this production where te Everyman will come to the local saloon to meet with his friends. He will ask them to come with him on his quest to meet with God and give an accounting. Of course they are all talk when they are not sure what he is asking but then they will abandon him when they realize that they will have to meet their Maker as well.

Here is the saloon that I have built for this scene. There will be two marironettes sitting at the table with only the upper torso active. I think that there will be another doll marionette at the bar that will not be functional.

You ask, where will they all fit? It will be tight as you can see. that is the problem with apartment marionette petite.

That marionette appears to have had too much to drink.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Finally, it worked. I had it saved in the wrong format and it would not load. But here it is. A beauty isn't it. I happened to be on a site of a band, I hope they will not be upset, that have made a new spaghetti western movie. Some rearranging and editing of their poster and here we have it. The front of the playbill perhaps.

Hopefully, this will be the beginning of another productive pupperty binge. I need to get the inspiration going. Let's hope.

If you have any thoughts...I would love to hear them.
