Sunday, November 23, 2008

Death Complete

Death appears to be complete so we are moving on to his hostler so he can do a duel with Everyman.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Their First Meeting

Death and Everyman met for the first time. It will not be their last.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Being a Spaghetti Western I suppose I can say I am back in the saddle

This is the evil gunfighter or Death in our little morality play. After the Monty God in the previous video helps to open the show, the curtains open to see Everyman by the campfire...enjoying some beans and lowering his blood pressure. Then arrives Death but in a new "reindarnation" (cowboy speak) to confront Everyman.

Of course he will need some pants first. Can't go out without some pants...not even Death...would get laughed right out of the saloon.
