I'll be back and back and back
Yep, I am back. I have to ask, how can a production of a play this simple this...everyday, take over six years to complete...plus. Lazy that it. Creative laziness. But I am back none the less. Now that I have this Mac, with iMovie, I can do segments seconds long and then paste them together to make my film. I never really have to perform the whole play and one puppeteer may be able to put it off. We will see of course. ADHD could be the other reason for the delay but lets not go there.
FYI: to the right is a picture of my narrator. Get to it man!
So to get myself back in the saddle of sorts. I am working on the opening sequence. The earlier post was just a way to learn something about iMovie applications. Now we have to go back to the beginning. Scene 1 will be the introduction. I did not want to build another puppet for this scene so I took a soldier hand puppet that I had bought years ago and morphed it into my Narrator by putting on a cloak of sorts and a black hat. He looks something like a thespian with is mustache and roughed good looks. He only has a dozen or so lines to says so this was a real time saver.